Pisum Genetics Association | PISUM GENETICS |
Published by PGA since 1969 |
Volume 33, 2001 |
Table of Contents
PGA Notes.................................................................................................................................
Research Papers
Tl2, a new locus resembling Tl in its action
Berdnikov, V.A. and Gorel, F.L............................................................................................. 1
Observation of a phenomenon
resembling hybrid dysgenesis, in a wild pea subspecies
Pisum sativum ssp. elatius
Bogdanova, V.S. and Berdnikov, V.A..................................................................................... 5
Coiling shoot (csh), a new mutation affecting shoot gravitropism
Gorel, F.L. and Berdnikov, V.A............................................................................................. 9
Mapping of two thiamin deficiency genes of pea
Hagh Nazari, A., Sharma, B. and Mishra, S.K....................................................................... 11
genetic linkage map of pea (Pisum
sativum L.) based on molecular, biochemical
and morphological markers
Irzykowska, L., Wolko, B., and Święcicki, W.K.................................................................... 13
Supplemental data on fasciata genes in Pisum resources
Święcicki W.K.................................................................................................................... 19
analysis of Pisum sativum ssp. abyssinicum
and the development of a genotypic definition
for this subspecies
Weeden, N.F. and Wolko, B................................................................................................ 21
Brief Communications
Map position of the locus Ins2
Berdnikov, V.A. and Gorel, F.L........................................................................................... 25
Mapping of the breakpoints of the Twt-translocation
Gorel, F.L, and Berdnikov, V.A........................................................................................... 27
Linkage between Brac and Idh on linkage group I of Pisum sativum
Hagh Nazari, A. and Sharma, B........................................................................................... 28
Confirmation on location of Dsc on linkage group VI
Hagh Nazari, A., and Sharma, B.......................................................................................... 29
Symbiotic locus Sym38 is localized in linkage group V.
Koroleva T.A., Voroshilova V.A., Tsyganov, V.E., Borisov A.Y. and .Tikhonovich I.A........... 30
gene responsible for serrate leaflets in P.
sativum ssp. abyssinicum is on
linkage group III
tightly linked to an STS marker
Lorenzi, V., Murphy, R.L. and Weeden, N.F........................................................................ 31
Gene symbol for the erectoides-type, short-internode mutant Wt 11242
Murfet, I.C......................................................................................................................... 33
The new gene alts determining stem chlorophyll deficiency in pea
Sidorova, K.K. and Mischenko, T.M.................................................................................... 33
Dominant symbiotic pea mutations
Sidorova, K.K., Shumny, V.K., Vlasova E. Yu, and Mischenko, T.M..................................... 35
mutants RisFixA and RisFixV carry mutations in newly identified pea genes
and sym42, respectively
Tsyganov, V.E., Borisov A.Y. and Tikhonovich I.A…………………………….……………..36
Tsyganov, V.E., Voroshilova, V.A., Rozov, S.M., Borisov, A.Y. and Tikhonovich I.A.37
Abstracts of Oral Presentations
NAPIA Meeting, October 28-30, 2001, Fargo, North Dakota.................................................. 38
Abstracts of Poster Presentations
NAPIA Meeting, October 28-30, 2001, Fargo, North Dakota................................................. 49
Pisum Genetics Association Membership List.........................................................................54