Pisum Genetics Association Membership List


Dr. S.M. Ali

Field Crop Centre, SARDI

Waite Research Precinct

GPO Box 397

Adelaide, SA 5001, AUSTRALIA


M. Ambrose

John Innes Inst.

Colney Lane

Norwich NR4 7UH, UK


Robert Arthur

Crites-Moscow Growers, Inc.

P.O.Box 8912

Moscow, ID 83843-1412, USA

Tel: 208-882-5519

Estri Laras Arumingtyas

Jurusan Biologi Program MIPA

Univ. Brawijaya

Jl M T Haryono 169


Dr. Natalie M. Barratt

Dept Biological Sciences

Baldwin Wallace College

275 Eastland Road

Berea, OH 44017-2088, USA

Ms Shona L Batge

CSIRO Plant Industry

GPO Box 1600

Canberra ACT 2601, AUSTRALIA


James Bennett P/L

3 Narabang Way

Belrose NSW 2085, AUSTRALIA

Tel: 61-2-9986-7000

Prof. V.A. Berdnikov

Institute of Cytology and Genetics

Lavrentiev Ave. 10

Novosibirsk 630090, RUSSIA


Dr. Stig Blixt

Angahusvagen 154

261 76 Asmundtorp, SWEDEN

Tel: (0) 418-432284

Dr. V.S. Bogdanova

Institute of Cytology and Genetics

Lavrentiev Ave. 10

Novosibirsk 630090, RUSSIA


Dr. Alex Y. Borisov

Res. Inst. for Agric. Microbiology

Podbelsky Shosse 3

St.Petersburg Pushkin 8, 189 620 RUSSIA


Abel J. Bouwman

Cebeco Zaden BV

PO Box 139

8200 AC Lelystad, NETHERLANDS


British Library

Acquistions Unit

Boston Spa

Wetherby, West Yorks, UK

W. Brotherton Seed Co.

PO Box 1136

Moses Lake, WA 98837, USA

Dr. J.B. Brouwer

Victorian Inst. for Dryland Agric.

PB 260, Horsham, Vic. 3401



Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

Central Library

1, 7 Noemvri Street

1040 Sofia, BULGARIA

Dr. Ying Yu Chen

Agric. Res. Inst. - Librarian

189 Chung-Cheng Rd.

Wu-feng 41301

Taichung, Taiwan, ROC

Fax: 886-4-23325176

Todd J. Cooke

Dept of Botany

H.J. Patterson Hall

University of Maryland

College Park, MD 20742-5815, USA

Dr. Clarice J. Coyne


59 Johnson Hall

Washington State University

Pullman, WA 99164-6402, USA

Tel: 509-334-3227

Crop & Food Research Library

Private Bag 11 600

Batchelar Road

Palmerston North, NEW ZEALAND

CSIRO Librarian

Black Mountain Library

GPO Box 109

Canberra, ACT 2601, AUSTRALIA

Dr. Darleen A. De Mason

Dept. Botany & Plant Sciences

University of California

Riverside, CA  92521, USA


Melle Martine Duparque - GSP


Domaine de Brunehaut

80200 Estrees Mons , FRANCE


Dr. Sanford Eigenbrode

Plant, Soil, Ent. Sciences

Plant & Soil Science Bldg. 329

University of IdahoMoscow, ID 83844-2339, USA


Dr. T.H.N. Ellis

John Innes Institute

Colney Lane

Norwich NR4 7UH, UK


L.G. Engqvist

Svalf Weibull AB

S-26881 Svalv, SWEDEN


Dr. Tim Ferguson


220 Portage Ave

Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 3K7, CANADA

Dr. Rebecca Ford

Dept. Crop Production

ILFR, University of Melbourne

Parkville, VIC 3052, AUSTRALIA

Dr. Keith Fox

Advanta Holdings (UK) Ltd

Boothby Graffoe

Lincoln LN5 OLF, UK


Dr. F.L. Gorel

Institute of Cytology and Genetics

Lavrentiev Ave. 10

Novosibirsk 630090, Russia

Fax: 7-383-235-6558

Dr. Sergei Gostimskii

D-mitziya Ulyanova St. 12/2

S.Q. 24,

Moscow, 117292, RUSSIA

Dr. Maria Jose Grajal

Centro de Investigacion y Technologia Agrarias

Apartado 60, La Laguna

38080 Tenerife, SPAIN

Niall Green

Herbage & Vegetable Section

Scottish Agricultural Sci. Agency

82 Craigs Road

Edinburgh EH12 8NJ, UK


Dr. Peter Griffiths

Div.Mgr., Subscription Services

DA Information Service

648 Whitehorse Road

Mitcham Vic 3132, AUSTRALIA

Dr. Michael A. Grusak


1100 Bates Street

Houston, TX  77030, USA


Lee A. Hadwiger

Dept. Plant Path., P.O.Box 646430

Washington State University

Pullman, WA 99164-6430, USA


Dr. Ali-Hagh Nazari

Faculty of Agriculture

Zanjan University

Zanjan, IRAN

Dr. Darryl Hardie

Entomology, Dept. of Agriculture

Baron-Hay Court

South Perth, WA 6151, AUSTRALIA

Dr. Marcia Harrison

Dept. Biological Sciences

Marshall University

Huntington, WV 25755, USA


Dr. C. Hedley

John Innes Inst.

Colney Lane

Norwich NR4 7UH, UK


Dr. Ivo Hoch, Director

Central Agr. & Forestry Library

Inst. of Agric. and Food Information

120 56 Praha 2

Vinohrady Slezska 7


Dr. Julie Hofer

John Innes Inst.

Colney Lane

Norwich NR4 7UH, UK



Amelioration des Plantes

R.D. 10

78026 Versailles, FRANCE

Prof. H.-J. Jacobsen

Lehrgebiet Molekulargenetik

Universitt Hannover

Herrenhuser Strasse 2

D-30419 Hannover, GERMANY


Ellen Jensen

Carlsberg Research Centre Library

10 Gamle Carlsbergvej

DK-2500 Valby, DENMARK


John Innes Centre - Library

Colney Lane

Norwich NR4 7UH, UK

Dr. Alan Jones

John Innes Inst.

Colney Lane

Norwich NR4 7UH, UK

Fax: 44-1603-456-844

Dr. Grzegorz Kasperek

Dept. Genetics & Plant Breeding

Agricultural University

Wojska Polskiego 71C

60-625 Poznan , POLAND

Eric P. Klassen

Johnson Seeds

12 Garnet Bay

Winnipeg, MB R3T 0L5, CANADA


Dr. Oleg E. Kosterin

Institute of Cytology and Genetics

Lavrentiev Ave. 10

Novosibirsk 630090, RUSSIA


Tony Leonforte

Agruclture Victoria Horsham

Private Bag 260

Natimuk Rd., Horsham

Victoria 3401, AUSTRALIA


Long Ashton Res. Station Library

Attn: Steve Smith

Dept. of Agric. & Hort.

University of Bristol, Long Ashton

Bristol, BS18 9AF, UK

Richard S. Lowe

Pure line Seeds Inc.

Box 8866

Moscow ID 83843-1366, USA

Ted Lund

W. Brotherton Seed Co

P.O. Box 1136

Moses Lake, WA  98837, USA

Roxanne Mainz

Novartis Seeds

Research Center, 317-330th St,

Stanton, MN 55018, USA

Dr. Peter Matthews


2 Kinver Close Mile End Rd.

Norwich NR4 7QZ, UK

Tel (home): 44-1603-453-526

Dr. Kevin McPhee

USDA, Dept. Agronomy

303 Johnson Hall

Washington State University

Pullman, WA 99164-6434, USA

Prof. Atanas Mehandjiev

Department of Mutagenesis

Institute of Genetics

Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

1113 Sofia, BULGARIA

Fax: 359-2-757-087

Mision Biologica de Galicia - CSIC

Apartado de Correos 28

36080 Pontevedra, SPAIN

Dr. Paul E. Moser

Rogers Seed Co.

6338 Highway 20-26,

Nampa, ID 83687, USA

Fax: 208-467-4559

Dr. Fred J. Muehlbauer

USDA, Dept. Agronomy

Washington State Univ.

Pullman, WA 99164, USA


Prof. I.C. Murfet

School of Plant Science

University of Tasmania

GPO Box 252-55

Hobart, Tas. 7001, AUSTRALIA


Dr. Jim Myers

Department of Horticulture

Oregon State University

Corvallis  OR97331-7304, USA


Nordreco AB

Attn. Rolf Stegmark

BOX 520

S-26725 Bjuv, SWEDEN

Nunhems Zaden B.V.

Attn: Robert Oostveen

PO Box 4005

6080 AA Haelen


Dr. Constance G. Nozzolillo

Dept. of Biology

University of Ottawa

Ottawa K1N 6N5, CANADA


David J. Plunkett

Green Giant Company

1201 N. 4th St

Le Sueur, MN 56058, USA

Dr. Neil O. Polans

Dept. of Biological Sciences

Northern Illinois Univ.

DeKalb, IL 60115, USA


Dr. William M. Proebsting,

Dept. of Horticulture,

Oregon State University,

Corvallis OR 97331-2911, USA


Dr. R. Provvidenti

Dept. of Plant Pathology

Cornell University-NYSAES

Geneva, NY 14456, USA


Prof. J.B. Reid

School of Plant Science

University of Tasmania

GPO Box 252-55

Hobart, Tas. 7001, AUSTRALIA


Dr. Peter Rmer

Sdwestsaat GBR

Im Rheinfeld 1-13

D-76437 Rastatt, GERMANY

Dr. J. J. Ross

Dept. Plant Science

University of Tasmania

GPO Box 252-55

Hobart, Tas. 7001, AUSTRALIA


Dr. Serge M. Rozov

Institute of Cytology & Genetics

Russian Academy of Sciences

Lavrentjev Ave 10

Novosibirsk 630090, RUSSIA


Mrs. B. Sadowska, 

Head of Library

Inst. Plant Genetics

Polish Academy Sciences

ul. Strzeszynska 34

60-479 Poznan, POLAND

St. Paul Campus Library:

    Serials Dept.

University of Minnesota

1984 Buford Ave.

St. Paul, MN 55108-1012, USA


Centre Agronomique

Z.A. du Port

77940 La Brosse Montceaux, FRANCE

Dr. B. Sharma

Division of Genetics

Indian Agr. Res. Inst.

New Delhi 110012, INDIA


Dr. K.K. Sidorova

Institute of Cytology & Genetics

Russian Academy of Sciences

Lavrentjev Ave 10

Novosibirsk 630090, RUSSIA


Dr. Susan R. Singer

Department of Biology

Carleton College

Northfield, MN 55057, USA


Dr. A.E. Slinkard

Crop Dev. Centre

Univ. Saskatchewan

Saskatoon, SK S7N 0W0, CANADA

Tel: 306-966-4978

Dr. Olga G. Smirnova

Institute of  Cytology  & Genetics 

Russian Academy of Sciences

Lavrentjev Ave 10

Novosibirsk 630090, RUSSIA

Dr. Ingrid Sterner de Renzone

Salta 545, 2107



Steenbock Memorial Library

University of Wisconsin-Madison

550 Babcock Drive

Madison, WI 53706-1293, USA

Prof. W.K. Swiecicki

Inst. Plant Genetics

Polish Academy Sciences

ul. Strzeszynska 30/36

60-479 Poznan, POLAND


Prof. Igor A. Tikhonovich

Res. Inst. for Agric. Microbiology

Podbelsky Shosse 3

St. Petersburg - Pushkin 8, 189 620 RUSSIA


University of Tasmania

Library - Serials Section

GPO Box 252-25

Hobart, Tas. 7001, AUSTRALIA

Dr. Gail M. Timmerman-Vaughan

Crop and Food Research/CRI

Private Bag 4704

Christchurch, NEW ZEALAND


Dr. Ana M. Torres

CIFA - Alameda del Obispo

Dept. Mehora y Agronomia

Apdo. 3092

14080 Cordoba, SPAIN


Shing-Jy Jocelyn Tsao

Dept. Horticulture

National Taiwan University

1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Rd

Taipei, Taiwan, ROC

Victor E. Tsyganov

Res. Inst. for Agric. Microbiology

Podbelsky Shosse 3

St. Petersburg - Pushkin 8, 189 620 RUSSIA


Dr. T. Wang

John Innes Inst.

Colney Lane

Norwich NR4 7UH, UK


Dr. Thomas D. Warkentin

Crop Development Centre

University of Saskatchewan

51 Campus Dr.

Saskatoon, SK S7N 5A8, CANADA


David Webster

Seminis Vegetable Seeds

Box 1235

Twin Falls, ID 83303-1235, USA

Fax: 208-326-4326

Dr.. Norman F. Weeden

Dept. Plant Sci. & Plant Path.

Montana State University

Bozeman, MT 59717, USA 


Prof. Dr. Ulrich Wobus 

Inst. fr Pflanzengenetik und


Corrensstrasse 3

06466 Gatersleben, GERMANY


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