Pisum Genetics Association PISUM GENETICS


Published by PGA since 1969

Volume 36, 2004

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Research Papers

A novel allele at the Afila (Af) locus and new alleles at the Tendril-less (Tl) locus
Ambrose, M.J...................................................................................................................................

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Combination of mutations sil and ins2 can cause conversion of stipules into compound leaves
Berdnikov, V.A. and Gorel, F.L..................................................... ....................................................

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Map position of the FRO1 locus in Pisum sativum
Grusak, M.A., Li, C-M., Moffet, M. and Weeden, N.F.........................................................................
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Identification of tolerance to Fusarium solani in Pisum sativum ssp. Elatius
Hance, S.T.,  Grey, W. and Weeden, N.F............................................................................................
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The aero2 (aeromaculata2) mutation in pea increases leaf flecking and complexity but, unlike aero1, does not promote flowering
Murfet, I.C. and Taylor, S.A...............................................................................................................

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“Drum sticks” is a trait associated with the Sym8 locus in pea
Zhukov, V.A., Tsyganov, V.E., and Borisov, A.Y..............................................................................

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Brief Communications

Linkages for a new fasciata  gene
Święcicki W.K. and Gawłowska M.....................................................................................................

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A more precise location for the bronze mutation on LG IV
Weeden, N.F......................................................................................................................................

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Ser appears to be the serrate leaflet locus mapped on linkage group III
Weeden, N.F. and Ambrose, M.J

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Membership List............................................................................................................................. 27 view  download
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