PNL Volume 21 1989 Preface
Phone, Fax,
and Telex
The Pisum Genetics Association (PGA) is a non-profit, unincorpprated organization established to foster genetic study of the pea, to facilitate the exchange of information, and to ensure preservation of valuable genetic stocks. The Pisum Newsletter (PNL) is the principal means of meeting these aims. Published annually, the PNL contains reports of re­search findings and other information relating to genetic variation in Pisum. The number of PGA members now stands at 190.
Membership of the PGA is open to all interested persons and organizations. Dues are $15 (U.S. currency) or $20 (Aus­tralian currency) for two years and are used to help defray the costs of publishing the PNL. Members' are encouraged to pay dues for two or more years to simplify bookkeeping and to reduce losses through bank charges. Please make prime ban­ker's checks or international money orders payable to Pisum Genetics Association and send to I. C. Murfet, Department of Plant Science, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Tas. 7001, Aus­tralia. The PNL will be sent upon receipt of dues.
The Editor may be contacted rapidly by phone (002)-202603, Telex AA-58150 or Fax (002)-202186.
In keeping with the policy change established in 1988, all articles in PNL 21 may be quoted freely since no author requested otherwise. Please submit manuscripts double-spaced since few escape at least some editorial changes. Figures should be ready to print and of good quality. Tables should be set out in accord with established format. References should be listed in alphabetical then chronological order and full details supplied for papers in monographs, e.g., give details of editors, publisher and city, page numbers and list all authors; Smith et al is not sufficient.
The PGA suffered a severe blow in the past year with the death of its founder and longtime editor, Dr. G. A. Marx (cover). It is a measure of the esteem and respect in which he was held that over $3100 has been donated so far in his memory. Again the great value of the extensive collection of pea germplasm which he built up at Geneva, NY, has been re­flected in the deluge of concern, expressed by both public and private scientists from around the world, regarding the future of this important resource. This massive (80,000 entries) and largely dynamic collection had great power in the hands of Dr. Marx since he could draw from it. material to meet a multitude of specific objectives. However, the difficulties of preser­ving such a collection are obvious. In January, 1989, Drs. P. Matthews, F. Muehlbauer, and I. Murfet met in Geneva to offer advice to the Experiment Station concerning the handling of this material. Subsequently, in April, Dr. Stig Blixt spent several weeks at the Station formulating a more detailed set of recommendations. At the time of writing several options are still under consideration.
PNL Volume 21
Coordinating Committee
I am most pleased to welcome several new members to the Coordinating Committee. Together they bring a wealth of ex­perience covering the fields of molecular genetics, biochemi­cal genetics, physiological genetics, developmental genetics, classical genetics and plant breeding. Dr. W. K. Swiecicki is our first representative from Poland. Dr. Fred Muehlbauer provides a representative from the important pea growing areas in the US Northwest. Dr. Norm Weeden retains our link with Geneva, NY, while Dr. Cliff Hedley reestablishes a direct link with the John Innes Institute lost several years ago with the early "retirement" of Mr. Brian Snoad. Dr. Hedley has assumed overall responsibility for the pea germplasm collection at the JII following the "retirement" of Dr. Peter Matthews at the end of 1988. However, day to day care of the collection is in the hands of Mr. Mike Ambrose. (1 am pleased to report that, in fact, both Brian and Peter are continuing to work with peas.) Finally, I welcome my colleague from Tasmania, Dr. Jim Reid, and thank him for assisting with the editing of PNL 21. Dr. Reid spent the first half of 1989 on sabbatical leave at Cornell University which proved most convenient. Professor W. Gottschalk resigned during 1988 and I thank him for his long period of service on the Coordinating Committee.
PNL 21 was published at the NYS Agricultural Experiment Station, Geneva, NY. Later this year the secretariat of the PGA will be transferred to Hobart, Tasmania. Our longtime stalwart, Mrs. Frances Van Kirk, had planned to retire from PNL involvement last year, but I am most thankful that she agreed to step once again into the breach. We owe a great debt of gratitude to Mrs. Van Kirk. From the inception she has contributed very substantially to the running of the PGA by assisting in many diverse ways, e.g. typing and preparation of the PNL, dealing with correspondence, keeping records, and looking after our financial affairs. On behalf of us all I thank you sincerely, Fran, for your dedication and loyalty. Thanks are also due to Mrs. Beverley Thomson of Hobart for her excellent contribution toward the typing of PNL 21. I also wish to acknowledge the services provided by staff in the Pub­lications Department at Geneva and, in' particular, Elaine Gotham f or the cover drawing of Dr. Marx.
Those of us who visited Geneva in regard to the pea germ-plasm collection would like to place on record our apprecia­tion of the tremendous help and support we received from Mr. Joe Covert, who keeps the computor records of the collection, and Drs. Steve Kresovich and Jim McFerson of the USDA/ARS PI Section at Geneva. The PGA also owes a debt of gratitude to Mrs. Mary Lou Marx for making available much material of value to pea geneticists and Dr. R. W. Robinson of the Department of Horticultural Sciences for the many dedicated hours he spent sorting files and material.
PNL Volume 21 Preface
The financial report for the period 4/1/88 - 3/31/89:
Balance, 4/1/88                                                              $1099.93
Income Dues
Memorials Credit from NYS Exp. Sta.
Expenditures Postage Publishing Bookkeeping Typing Bank fees
424.49 757.99 157.50 343.00 32.79
Balance, 3/31/89
I. C. Murfet
for the Coordinating Committee:
B. Snoad
W.K. Swiecicki
N. Weeden
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