PNL Volume 20                      1988 ANNOUNCEMENTS                             57
Ali-Khan, S. T.                                               Agriculture Canada, Research Station
Morden, Manitoba ROG IJO Canada
Recently there has been an increasing interest in growing field peas in Canada. The acreage of field peas has increased from 200,000 acres (80,00 ha) in 1985 to over 600,000 (218,000 ha) in 1987. It is expected that in 1988 over 1 million acres (405,000 ha) will be seeded to field peas in Canada. Almost 100% of the pea area is located in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta.
With the increase in area, there has been considerable interest by the private industry to import, cultivars from the U.S.A. and Europe for growing in Canada. According to the Canadian Seeds Act, it is illegal to buy and sell seeds of cultivars which are not registered in Canada. Therefore, it is imperative that crop cultivars for sale in Canada be re­gistered first.
Registration of field pea cultivars consists of four phases.
1.   The breeder develops background information on cultivar perfor­mance.
2.   On the basis of this information the cultivar is entered into a testing system known as cooperative tests. These tests are conducted at 15-18 sites in the three prairie provinces.
3. After 3 years of testing, the cultivar's performance is compared with appropriate checks. If the cultivar is superior in performance in at least one characterist it is compared to the check, a recommendation is made by the crop committee for its registration. In special circumstances a cultivar can be considered foi registration alter two years of testing.
4. The Seed Division oi Agriculture Canada is the final authority for registration. The recommendation of the crop committee which also includes data on agronomic characteristics, disease reaction, and quality parameters is reviewed thoroughly by the Seed Division and a registration number is granted to the cultivar.
For distribution in Canada, the seed must be grown in Canada and must be checked by plant inspections for purity and absence of diseases. After inspection, a certif icate is issued to the breeder indicating the pedigree status of the seed. Every bag oi the seed must, be tagged with this infor­mation.
It should be noted that the Plant Breeders Rights legislation has been introduced in the Canadian parliament and it is expected that this legislation will be approved in 1988.
For further details on registration of field pea cultivars in Canada, please contact the author.
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