PNL Volume 20
1988 FEATURE |
Brouwer, J. B.
Victorian Crops Research
Horsham, Victoria, Australia
The Australian Scene
The field pea industry in Australia
is expanding rapidly. The total area sown to peas in 1987 amounted to
552,000 ha, of which Victoria comprised 300,000 ha, South Australia
134,000 ha, New South Wales 55,000 ha, and Western Australia 60,000 ha.
The most spectacular expansion has taken place in Victoria where the crop
occupied a mere 2,000 ha in 1976. The major cultivars being grown are
'Dun' and 'Dundale', the latter being a selection out of Dun. The earlier
flowering 'Derrimut' is more commonly grown in Western Australia. These
cultivars are purple flowered and arc of the tall, conventional leaf type.
They have established a place in the export market as "Dun" peas. Cv. Dun
was introduced into Australia in the early 1900s and, while newer cultivars have been developed since
then i.e., Derrimut and 'Buckley' in Vict >ria and more recently
'Alma', 'Wirrega', and 'Maitland' in South Australia, there is still ample
room for further improvement.
Currently in Australia there are
three groups engaged in breeding field peas, headed respectively by Dr. D.
N. Khan of the Western Australian Department of Agriculture at South
Perth, by Dr. S. M. Ali at the Northfield Research Laboratories in South
Australia, and by Dr. J. B. Brouwer at the Victorian Crops Research
Lnstitute in Horsham. While these groups are aiming at different regions,
they have complementary objectives and are coordinated within the National
Pea Breeding Programme under the auspices of the Grain Legumes Research
Yield potential and stability
Field pea breeding at the Victorian
Crops Research Institute commen-ced in 1981 with increased potential and
stability of yield as its major objectives. The cropping regions of Victoria are extremely diverse,
ranging from the highly
alkaline (pH 9-1 J) deep sandy
loam soils of the Mallee region with its Mediterranean climate (300-350 mm
annual rainfall) to the acid (pH 4-5) poorly drained duplex soils of the
higher rainfall regions (550-650 mm) of southwestern and northeastern
Victoria. Approximately
90% of the Victorian pea crop, however, is grown in the Wimmera, which is
also the most important cereal growing region with a medium rain-fall of
400-450 mm and grey self-mulching clay and red-brown earth soils of pH
7.5-8.5. It is deemed likely, therefore, that different cultivars will be
required for such diverse environments. Pea crop yields fluctuate
considerably across seasons, with averages in the Wimmera ranging from 0.4
t/ha in 1977 to 2.2 t/ha in 1985.
Major constraints to higher
productivity are the risks of early (May) plantings being seriously affected by
Ascochyta blight or damaged by early spring (September) night
frosts during flowering. Radiation frosts later in the season
(October-November) are rare but do occur, as was the case in 1987 when
crop losses of 40% or more were recorded. The indeterminate f lowering
pattern of the conventional pea cultivars is considered to add to
stability of performance under these circumstances. The
Victorian |
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breeding material is primarily based
on the semi-leafless and semi-dwarf plant type as controlled by the
combination of the recessive genes af and le. Since these types appear to
be less flexible with respect to duration of flowering, and would thus be
more vulnerable to environmental risk factors, lines having a greater
number of flowering nodes are being selected.
The reluctance of many farmers to
consider growing a crop which presents harvesting problems because of
lodging, especially on stony ground, was a determining factor in the
decision to concentrate on the semi-leafless and semi-dwarf plant
type. Selection has recently been directed toward "taller dwarfs" in
an attempt to provide an upright crop stand of firmly interlocked plants
in which pod development commences not less than 30 cm from ground level.
Additional straw strength has been introduced from the Ethiopian accession
The current popularity of field peas
as a crop in Victoria has been greatly aided by innovative approaches by
the industry such as the design of "pea fronts" on conventional harvesters
which allow the pickup of the most severely lodged crops without
interference from stones or standing weeds. However, improved standing
ability of new cultivars still remains most important as it will result in
a cleaner grain sample, a pre-requi-site for a quality
Of the four major foliar diseases
of peas which threaten the stability and profitability of the crop in
Victoria, viz. the ascochyta complex, bacterial blight, downy mildew, and
powdery mildew, the first two are considered to the the most
important. Ascochyta blight is
caused by either Ascochyta pisi, Phoma medicaginis
pinodella, or Mycosphaerella pinodes, the latter predominating in Victoria,
where yield losses of up to 30% have been demonstrated. Bacterial blight
is not only debilitating in terms of crop losses, but its very presence
tends to exclude the Victorian
harvest from certain overseas markets. While overseas data suggest that
several races exist of Pseudomonas syringae pisi, very little is
known of the variability occurring within this species in Australia. The
race situation with respect to Ascochyta blight in Australia may be
even more uncertain, not least because of the potential interaction
of three different fungi.
Dimpled seed such as that produced
by the Australian cultivars Dun and Dundale is not favored by pea
processors because of the difficulty in removing the seed coat from the
indented spots. Advanced pea lines are now being tested having the
desirable large round seed and white seed coat and which produce either
yellow or green split peas. Discoloration or "bleaching" of blue peas or
dry green peas can also be a problem in most Victorian districts, and
further testing is required to determine whether the selected lines have
sufficient resistance to "bleaching" under the agronomic practices
currently followed by commercial pea growers. |
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PNL Volume
20 1988 FEATURE |
The pea
breeding strategy is based on an ideotype approach and has so far focused
on genes to improve plant type (semi-leafless, semi-dwarf) and seed type (white seedcoat, roundness),
while retaining adaptive genes (flowering time, early vigor) derived from
well established cultivars through backcrossing and convergence
crossing. Yield improvement is being achieved by this approach, but the high
degree of backcrossing required may not be compatible with widening the
genetic basis of the choice of cultivars commercially available to
Australian pea growers. The vulnerability of large cropping industries based
on a few closely related cultivars is well documented and consequently
the rapid expansion of the area devoted to field peas in Australia
requires that increased attention be given to the use of exotic parents, wild
types or cultivars, which can be expected to have diverse genetic
origins. |
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