PNL Volume 20
Folkeson, Donald
Institute of
Solvegatan 29, S-223 62 Lund, Sweden
•I. Cytological notes for L-lll,
L-21, and L-112
In an earlier paper (5), evidence
was presented for including the linkage segment r-tl-bt in the
linkage segment V (gp), i.e. only six linkage segments for the seven
chromosomes of the pea. This leaves a new Linkage group to be found. In
previous reports by Folkeson and Lamm the chromosome lacking localized markers was indicated to be
a satellite chromosome .
A revision in progress of Lamm's tester
set using BSG-staining shows that L-lll and L-112 share the same satellite
chromosome in their interchange systems (4). These
interchange lines are then suitable for linkage studies to define the missing linkage group. L-lll has, in
the latest paper (12), been interpreted as a T(4-5) interchange. The
present inves-tigation reveals that the long arm, rather than the short
arm, is involved in the satellite chromosome concerned, i.e. T(4L-5L)
(Figs. 1, 2).
In a < ross between L-112 and
L-21, seven bivalents were found with complete (100%) fertility (Lamm unpub., cf. 10)
indicating identical chromosome structure (cf. 7). This made it
possible to compile the cytological results of L-112 and
In a cytological investigation by
Blixt (2), L-21 was interpreted as T(1S-4S/7S). However, by plotting
analysis, Blixt's cytological measurements can also be interpreted as
a T(3S-4S/7S). This interpretation has recently been supported by Lamm
(10) and Folkeson (4) and is also supported by unpublished data from
work with L-112 in the ongoing revision.
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Fig. 1. (Ml) Arrows I and III
indicate the bivalents originating from the split quadrivalent. Two BSG
spots in each of the bivalents concerned indicate that the interchange
point is in the long arm of the involved SAT-chromosome of L—111. Arrow II
points to the bivalent of the second SAT-chromosome.
Fig. 2. (A1) Arrow indicates
chromosome with unequal chromatids, one with a BSG spot (cf.
II. Ambiguous linkage for
wsp and 6pgd-p
The linkage wsp-r
previously established (14), which locates these genes in the same linkage
group, occurs only in crosses
with lines L-21 and L-112 which are of known structure (2,8) and L-25 and
1,-794 of unknown structure. Linkage for wsp-r was, on the other
hand, not detectable in crosses
no. 429, 607, 999, and 1229 (16, 17). A compilation of H. Lam-precht's
results of cross no. 1062 (L-25 x L-998) places the interchange point in the
middle of all the combinations with the gene markers wsp, r,
and bt (Table 1). This excludes the position of wsp in linkage group V (Table
A persistent, negative
interference which occurs in
the system of wsp-T-tl/r in crosses with L-25 as well as L-112 (Tables 1,
2), i.e. rec. wsp-T) > rec.
(T-tl/r) + rec. (wsp-tl/r), complicates the interpretation, but the result
of crosses with L-87 (below) persuaded me to draw the present
conclusion. A similar situation has been analyzed by Sybenga
In a test for linkage of
wsp, the following
three lines of Lamm's tester set were used:
L-87 T(3-5), ref. 7,8 L-lll
T(5-7L), ref. 4,7,above L-112 T(3-7S), ref. 4,7,8. Linkage was expected in
two cases of three, but linkage was found only in one case, i.e. with
L-112 (Table 2). Linkage with either L-87 or L-lll was also expected to
establish whether wsp belongs to Linkage group V or the unassigned
new linkage group VII. If wsp is Located in the same linkage group
as the tl-r segment, crosses with L-87 or L-112 should
show |
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Table 1. Segregation data from
Lamprecht's cross no. 1062 (L-25 x L-1041) relating to the location of T,
wsp, r_, bt_; see |
F2 analysis of segregation data for
T, wsp, tl in cross between
1. L-112 x L-150: T(3-7)
, Wsp, Tl x N wsp, tl , D. Folkeson unpub. 1985
2. L-112 x L-150: T(3-7)
, Wsp, Tl_ x N wsp, tl , R. Lamm,
unpub. |
Table 3. Compiled segregation data
for interchange lines L-87 and L-111 Origin of lines cf. ref. 5,
8. |
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corresponding linkage for wsp-tl/r when the
T-tl/r linkage is quite similar (cf. 8, 9; Tables 2, 3). The
lack of linkage between wsp-tl/r in crosses with L-87 T(3-5) (Table 3),
together with the previous statement, excludes the location of wsp
to linkage group V. The lack of significant linkage between_
T-wsp in crosses within L-111 could be explained by the different location of the breakage point in
the common SAT-chromosome for L-lll(L) and L-112(S) (cf.
The compiled
data of crosses no. 7 and 8 (Table 3) for T-b renders b
as the closest gene marker
(previously T-st) to the interchange point of L-111. An additional linkage test for
wsp in crosses with L-111 requires a marker gene that is linked closer to the
interchange point than b.
linkage of 6pgd-p has previously been assigned to a segment of
unknown chromosome location (20), which makes it a candidate for the
missing linkage group. A linkage
test for 6pgd-p to the interchange point of L-111 has been performed, but no linkage
was determined in 201 indivuais scored.
The most probable location of wsp would be in the short arm of one of the satellite chromosomes 4 or 7
outside the interchange point of
L-112/L-21. |
1. Allard, R. W. 1956. Hilgardia
2. Blixt, S. 1959. Agri Hort. Genet.
3. Blixt, S. 1972. Agri Hort. Genet.
4. Folkeson, D. 1984. Hereditas
5. Folkeson, D. 1984. Hereditas
6. Folkeson, D. 1985. PNL
7. Kasha, K. J. and C. R. Burnham. 1965.
Canad. J. Genet. Cyt. 7:620-632.
8. Lamm, R. and R. J. Miravalle. 1959.
Hereditas 15:417-440.
9. Lamm, R. 1960. Hereditas
10. Lamm, R. 1974. PNL
11. Lamm, R. 1986. PNL
12. Lamm, R. 1987. PNL
13. Lamm, R. Unpublished.
14. Lamprecht, H. 1954. Agri Hort. Genet.
12:115-120 (L-794).
15. Lamprecht, H. 1955. Agri Hort. Genet.
13:173-182 (L-21).
16. Lamprecht, H. 1955. Agri Hort. Genet.
13:214-229 (cf. 222)
17. Lamprecht, H. 1959. Agri Hort. Genet.
18. Sybenga, J. 1975. Meiotic Configuration.
Spring-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York. p.
19. Sybenga, J. 1980. Heredity
20. Weeden, N. F. 1984. The Pea Crop.
Hebblethwaite, et al., eds. Butterworths, London, p.
55-66. |