PNL Volume 19 1987 RESEARCH
Rothwell, R. N. and I. C. Murfet
Botany Dept., University of
Hobart 7001, Australia The gene art
(arthritic) is characterized by the presence of
swollen nodes, undulate leaves and stipules, and a marked fore- shortening of the upper internodes (2). The latter effect is clearly shown by the results in Table 1 obtained from two near- -isogenic tall (Le/Le) F5 progenies [B584-705-(2) and (4)] which were segregating for the Art-art pair of alleles. A significant reduction in the internode length of art segregates was already apparent in the lower internodes, e.g. internode 5 was 26% shorter in art than Art segregates. (Internode 5 is defined here as lying between nodes 5 and 6 counting from the lowest scale leaf as node 1). As noted by Marx (2) the reduction was even greater in the upper portion of the stem, and for the internode two below the first flower (internode 17 or 18 in this case) the art segregates were 40% shorter than their Art counterparts. There was a dis- tinct difference in final height between the two genotypes (Fig. 1) with art segregates attaining an average only two-thirds the final height of Art segregates. The two genotypes flowered at the same node (both means 19.4) and they produced an almost identical number of internodes (art 22.4 and Art 22.1). Hence in this case the difference in final height truly reflects the cumulative ef- fect of the difference in internode length. We examined the anatomical basis for
the difference in inter-
node length between Art and art plants using the epidermal strip technique (1). Length measurements were made for 10 epidermal cells and 30 outer cortical cells per internode per plant. Corti- cal cells were measured in sets of three. Cell numbers per inter- node were estimated by dividing the length of an internode by the mean cell length for that internode. A similar anatomical pattern emerged
regardless of the inter-
node or cell type considered (Table 1). It is clear that the re- duction in internode length in art, segregates was wholly attri- butable to a marked reduction in the number of cells per inter- node. Cell length was in fact slightly greater in art segregates than Art segregates but the difference did not attain statistical significance in the present study. However, the consistency of the effect across cell type and internode position suggests that it may have proved significant if a larger sample size had been used. The results for art contrast with those obtained for the internode length mutants le and na (3) and lk (4) where the reduction in internode length was found to be associated in each case with a marked decrease in both cell number and cell length. Acknowledgement. We are
indebted to Prof. G. A. Marx, NYS Agricultural Experiment Station, Geneva, NY, for providing seed of the progenies used and for drawing our attention to the effect of art on internode length. |
60 PNL Volume 19 1987 RESEARCH
1. Arney, S. E. and P. Mancinelli.
1966. New Phytologist
65:161-175. 2. Marx, G. A. 1981. PNL
3. Reid, J. B. , I. C. Murfet. and
W. C. Potts. 1983. J. Exp.
Bot. 34:349-364. 4. Ross, J. J. and J. B. Reid. 1986.
Physiologia Plantarum 67:673-679. |
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Fig. 1.
Distribution of final height for art/art and
Art/- segregates in F5 progenies B584-705-(2) and (4). All plants were tall (Le/Le) . |
Table 1.
Effect of the Art - art gene difference on internode length and on
the length _and number of epidermal and outer cortical cells._ |
** *** - Difference
between the Art/- and art/art means significant at the 0.01 or 0.001 level,
respectively. § - The internode two
below the first flower. (Flowering commenced at node 19 or 20.)
The data
were obtained from 5 Art/- and 5 art/art segregates in two near-isogenic tall
(Le F5 progenies. Plants were grown one per 14 cm slimline pot under an 18 h photoperiod. |
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