PNL Volume 15 1983
The Pisum Genetics Association (PGA) is a non-
profit, unincorporated organization established to
facilitate the exchange of information and to ensure
the preservation of valuable genetic stocks. The num-
ber of PGA members now stands at 191.
Membership in the PGA is open to all interested
persons. Dues are $3.00 annually (U.S. currency) and
are used to help defray the costs of publishing the
PNL. Members are encouraged to pay dues for two or
more years to simplify bookkeeping. Please make prime
bankers checks or money orders payable to Pisum
Genetics Association and send to G. A. Marx, Department
of Seed and Vegetable Sciences, New York State
Agricultural Experiment Station, Geneva, NY 14456,
USA. The PNL will be sent upon receipt of dues.
Volume 15 includes a Supplement containing an index
to Volumes 1 through 14. We believe that the index
will add to the value of the Pisum Newsletter and we
are indebted to a skilled team of confederates headed
by Ms. Charlotte Pratt for making it all possible.
Some of the gene descriptions in Pisum are not as
well characterized nor as complete as they might be.
This may lead to needless confusion and extra work, as
for example befell Baumunk-Wende (see p.7). We urge
members to help us improve our gene descriptions so
that when a new list is published the descr iptions wil 1
adequately reflect the phenotype conferred by the gene.
The experience that comes from working with various
genes often enables us to modify or improve upon the
original description. Your comments are welcome.
Once again we tip our hats to Mrs. Frances Van Kirk,
our "Clerk" and Jack-of-al1-trades, and to Mrs. Mary E.
Porterfield, our keyboardist, for their indispensable
co ntr ibutions.
The financial report for the period 4/1/82 -
Balance on hand 4/ 1/82 839.45
Dues collected: 638.00
Postage 153.12
Publishing costs 287.43
Bank charges 50.16
Balance on hand 3/ 31/8 3 986 . 74
G. A. Marx
for the Coordinating Committee:
S. Blixt L. Monti
W. Gottschalk I. Murfet
E. Gritton B. Sharma
G. Marx B. Snoad
Gene descriptions
PNL Volume 15
Our cover sketch of V. S. Fedotov was drawn by Ms. Elaine
Gotham from a photo kindly provided by Director V. F. Dorofeev
and Dr. R. Kh. Makasheva. They also furnished the following
biograhical information:
Vassily Sergeyevich Fedotov (1895-1966), a prominent Soviet
geneticist, was born in 1895. He worked at the N.I. Vavilov
Ail-Union Scientific Research Institute from 1925 to 1953 on
grain and leguminous crops under the guidance of academician
N. I. Vavilov and Professor L. I. Govorov. In 1953 he trans-
ferred to the Scientific-Research Institute of Agriculture of
Central Regions of Non-chernozem (=non-black earth) Zone, where
he conducted practical breeding in peas and beans, as well as
sweet and bitter lupine.
V. S. Fedotov devoted much attention to theoretical studies and
to selection of grain leguminous crops. His reports on the gen-
etics of pea published in the thirties still retain their signi-
ficance. Of most interest to pea geneticists are: "On the her-
editary factors of flower color and some other characters in the
pea", "Multiple allelomorphs of the character 'grey spotting' on
the foliage of peas", "The genetics of anthocyanin pigmentation
on peas" and "Genetical principles of pea breeding".
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