PNL Volume 13
Recurrent backcrossing was used to transfer the gene (sbm) for pea seed-
borne mosaic virus (PSBMV) resistance into eight commonly grown cultivars.
The recurrent parents were 'Scout1, 'Tracer', 'Garfield', 'Alaska 4683',
'Improved Campbells Scotch', 'Latah', 'Alaska', and 'Dark Skin Perfection'.
The non-recurrent parent was WIS 7105, a breeding line carrying sbm released
in 1971 by Hagedorn and Gritton. The lines are described as follows:
X78122 is a BC4 PSBMV-resistant derived line using Scout as the recurrent
parent. X78122 is a wrinkle-seeded canner with white flowers, yellow cotyle-
dons and is double-podded and blooms in about the 12th node. Scout is known
for its exceptionally dark green foliage. [Scout carries gene cov. Ed.].
X78123 is a BC4 PSBMV-resistant derived line using Tracer as the recurrent
parent. X78123 is a smooth-seeded dry edible type with white flowers, green
cotyledons, and is triple-podded and blooms in about the 13th node.
X78124 is a BC4 PSBMV-resistant derived line using Garfield as the
recurrent parent. X78124 is a large smooth-seeded dry edible type with white
flowers, green cotyledons and single-or double-podded and blooms in about
the 14th node.
X78125 is a BC4 PSBMV-resistant derived line using Alaska 4683 as the
recurrent parent. X78125 is a wrinkle-seeded canner with white flowers and
green cotyledons. It is single-or double-podded and blooms in about the
9th node.
X78126 is a BC4 PSBMV-resistant derived line using Improved Campbells
Scotch as the recurrent parent. X78126 is a smooth-seeded dry edible type
with white flowers and dark green cotyledons. The line is predominantly
single-podded and blooms in about the 9th node.
X78127 is a BC4 PSBMV-resistant derived line using Latah as the recurrent
parent. X78127 is a smooth-seeded dry edible type with white flowers and
yellow cotyledons. The line blooms in about the 14th node and is primarily
X78128 is a BC^ PSBMV-resistant derived line using common Alaska as
the recurrent parent. X78128 is a smooth-seeded dry edible type with white
flowers and green cotyledons. The line blooms in about the 10th node and
produces both single and double pods.
X78006 is a BC3 PSBMV-resistant derived line using Dark Skin Perfection
as the recurrent parent. X78006 is a wrinkle-seeded freezer with white
flowers and green cotyledons. The line blooms in the 14th node and is single-
and double-podded.
Bona fide pea breeders and seedsmen may obtain small amounts of seeds
of these lines from Dr. F. J. Muehlbauer, USDA-SEA-AR, Legume Breeding and
Production Research Unit, Department of Agronomy and Soils, Washington State
University, Pullman, Washington 99164 USA. Seeds will be supplied with
the understanding that the source of the germplasm will be acknowledged if
it undergoes further selection or is used in crosses for development of
improved cultivars.
Available from: F. J. Muehlbauer
USDA-SEA-AR, Legume Breeding
Legume Breeding and Production Research Unit
Department of Agronomy and Soils
Washington State University
Pullman, WA 99164 U.S.A.
PNL Volume 13 1981
A limited quantity of seed and the pedigree of all stock listed below
is availble for pro rata distribution upon written request.
74SN5, 74SN4, 74SN5: Three small sieved canner breeding lines which bloom
in the 12-14th node were released in 1976. Each line combines resistance
to races 1, 2, 5, and 6 of Fusarium oxysporum Schlecht. f. sp. pisi (van Hall)
Snyd. & Hans, and is more resistant to the pea root rot complex of the Pacific
Northwest than 'Dark Skin Perfection'.
VR74-410-2 and VR74-1492-1: Two canner pea breeding lines were released
jointly by the USDA SEA/AR and Washington State University Research Center
in 1979. Both lines are immune to Pea Seedborne Mosaic Virus and are resistant
to F. oxysporum f. sp. pisi races 1 and 2. In addition, they are also more
resistant to the pea root rot complex of the Pacific Northwest than 'Dark
Skin Perfection'. The source of resistance to Pea Seedborne Mosaic Virus
for both lines is Wisconsin 7105.
244219-B: A selection from P.I. 244219-B was released in 1978 which is single
podded with round, sickle-shaped pods about 6.4 to 10.2 cm in length. This
line blooms in the 14th node, is 0.9 to 1.2 m tall under Pacific Northwest
growing conditions, and needs to be trellised. 244219-B segregates for resis-
tance to Furarium oxysporum f. sp. pisi race 1 and is susceptible to races
2, 5, and 6.
792022 and 792024: Two F8 breeding lines were released in 1980 which combine
the afila (af) gene with genes for resistance to races 1 and 2 of F. oxysporum
f. sp. pisi and resistance to the root rot complex of the Pacific Northwest.
The parentage of both lines is PH-14-119 (a line released by J. M. Kraft in
1972) x Afila (the original af/af mutant supplied by J. B. Goldenberg, INTA,
Instituto de Fitotecnia, Castelar, Republica Argentina). 1
Available from: J. M. Kraft
Irrigated Agriculture Research $ Extension Center
Prosser, WA 99350
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