PNL Volume 12 1980
The Pisum Genetics Association (PGA) is a non-profit, unincorporated
organization established to facilitate the exchange of information and to
ensure the preservation of valuable genetic stocks. The number of PGA members
now stands at 149.
There is some good news and some bad news on the economic
front. The good news is that the National Pea Improvement Associa-
tion once again authorized a grant of $500 to help meet the costs
of publishing the PNL. We are truly grateful for that. The bad
news is that our operating costs continue to rise. Our yearly
treasurer's report does not reflect the labor costs for clerical
and secretarial services, much of which the department has absorbed,
These include expenses associated with bookkeeping, typing, proof-
reading, correspondence, etc. It is now clear, however, that
the PGA itself will have to assume a greater share of the costs.
Ruefully, therefore, I announce an increase in dues from $2.00
per annum to $3.00. Before taking effect, however, the suggested
increase will have to be ratified by the coordinating committee.
An additional expense this year involves re-printing Vol. 10,
the stocks of which are nearly exhausted. We hope the increase
in dues will not pose undue hardship or weaken member support.
A team of Cornell administrators recently returned from a
working tour to the People's Republic of China. One aim of the
visit was to establish contacts between Cornell and various
academic institutions in China with the view toward scholarly
ties. We have attempted to follow up on some of the contacts
that were made by sending complementary copies of PNL 10 to the
following institutions in China: Beijing Academy of Agricultural
Science, Beijing Agricultural University, and Janjing Agricultural
College. Through this initial effort, perhaps it will be possible
to identify scientists working with peas and ultimately to lead
to a fruitful exchange of information.
It would be desirable to provide our readers with an up-to-
date bibliography of genetic and cytogenetic literature on Pisum.
To accomplish this, we'll need uncommon cooperation or outright
beneficence. I beseech anyone who keeps a comprehensive and
current file of literature references to make it available to
us for duplication. The simplest and most direct solution would
be to transfer a computer record. There are several less satis-
factory approaches that would involve the participation of more
individuals, but the most important first step is to get an expres-
sion of member interest. Is anyone willing to share the fruits
of his or her toil? Incidentally, we continue to look for a
volunteer to prepare a cross-referenced index.
Again it is a pleasure to acknowledge and applaud the un-
stinting efforts and unceasing energies of Mrs. Fran Van Kirk,
our highly regarded clerk and jack-of-al1-trades. She is, from
this vantage point, the PGA's most valuable resource.
with the
People 's
of China
PNL Volume 12 1980
The financial report for the period 3/15/79 - 3/14/80:
Balance on hand 3/15/79
Dues collected
Publishing costs
Bank charges
Balance on hand 3/14/80
Membership in the PGA is open to all interested persons.
Dues are $3.00 annually (U. S. currency) and are used to help
defray the costs of publishing the PNL. Please make prime
banker's checks or money orders payable to the Pisum Genetics
Association and send to: G. A. Marx, Department of Seed §
Vegetable Sciences, New York State Agricultural Experiment Station,
Geneva, NY 14456, U.S.A. The PNL will be sent upon receipt of
G. A. Marx, Editor
for the Coordinating Committee:
S. Blixt L. Monti
W. Gottschalk I. Murfet
E. Gritton B. Sharma
G. Marx B. Snoad
The name Herbert Lamprecht is virtually synonymous with
pea genetics. His contributions to the "state of the art"
perhaps have surpassed all others in scope and importance.
His legacy remains undiminished. The cover illustration was
redrawn by Mrs. Monica Juffs from a photo which appeared in
PNL Vol. 2 ten years ago (1970). Accompanying the photo was a
biographical sketch of Dr. Lamprecht's life and works.
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